
Mentoring the 100 Way is one of the signature programs of the 100 Black Men of America, Inc. This holistic program addresses the social, emotional and cultural needs of youth in grades 6 – 12.

Mentoring the 100 Way Across a Lifetime

Sustained mentor relationships of at least a school year and often over multiple years can happen at all stages of a mentee’s life, including college and beyond. The unique, innovative mentoring initiatives of our chapters are locally relevant and vary by the affiliate. Our volunteer members include servant leaders and professionals from diverse sectors and backgrounds who truly believe in our motto, What They See Is What They’ll Be. As the lives of our mentees are transformed through our mentoring model, so are the lives of mentors who serve them.

Contact the Mentoring Committee for more information.

Man and boy talking

Our Mentoring Model

Our mentoring model transforms the lives of both the mentor and mentees. The innovative Online Mentor Training and interactive Virtual Mentee Curriculum are proprietary web-based tools available only to 100 Black Men Chapter members, mentees, and their authorized network of volunteers, Collegiate 100®, and Emerging 100® members.

The five-module Mentee Curriculum has student pre-tests and post-tests, S.M.A.R.T. goals exercises, as well as Mentor Guides for each module to assist facilitators with the lessons and corresponding activities.

Upon satisfactory completion of the five-module Online Mentor Training program, Certificates of Completion are issued by Headquarters.

Saturday Academy Workshops

Our biweekly Saturday Academy Workshops expose mentees to a variety of topics, activities, and experiences designed to encourage success. Examples of our workshops include:

  • SAT and ACT prep sessions
  • STEM exposure
  • STEM industry site tours
  • Academic tutoring sessions
  • Stock market and investing knowledge
  • Black history
  • One-on-one and group mentoring
  • Job shadowing
Picture of teens in classroom

STEM Workshops & Site Visits

STEM workshops are designed to inspire young people to be science and technology leaders. We engage them in exciting mentor-based learning that builds STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) capabilities, inspires innovation, and fosters well-rounded life skills.

Scholarship Awards

The 100 Black Men of Triangle East chapter provides annual scholarship awards to deserving high school graduates who will enroll as full-time students at accredited, post-secondary institutions. Award recipients are selected based on Triangle East chapter eligibility criteria.


What They See Is What They'll Be